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Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil
Catalog No:      Product Name: Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil
Seabuckthorn seed oil is a brownish yellow to brownish red,transparent oily liquid obtained by supercritical extraction or subcritical low temperature extractio…
Borneol(Bornyl alcohol)
Catalog No:      Product Name: Borneol(Bornyl alcohol)
Borneol is a white solid terpene alcohol extracted from the Malaysian tree Dryobalanops aromatica, used as a drug or in perfume and in the manufacture of organi…
Pinellia Tuber(Rhizoma Pinelliae)
Catalog No:      Product Name: Pinellia Tuber(Rhizoma Pinelliae)
Pinellia Tuber(Rhizoma Pinelliae)is the dried tubers of the plant Pinellia ternata.It is found in Northeast China, North China and Yangtze River Basin.It has th…
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